Sunday, February 8, 2015

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Eyeliner and Eye Makeup Remover

I love Rimmel. All of the products that I have tried have all been of great quality. They have a great selection of makeup and the best part is that they are affordable. With this being said, I was very excited to receive 2 Rimmel products in the Frosty VoxBox that I received from Influenster. I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

The Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Eyeliner has become one of my favorite eyeliners. The liner is very easy to use because it just glides on the eyes! The color is really dark black, which I absolutely LOVE! This liner is waterproof, which made it long lasting with no touchups. I have been wearing it almost every day when I go to work. It reminds me a lot of the Kohl liner from MAC, but I will admit that this one from Rimmel is better. The MAC liner is not as dark and is a little rough when lining the eyes. You also can't beat the price of Rimmel... so this is a liner that I will definitely be buying again. I also want to purchase them in different colors!

The Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup remover is also a great product. This one reminds me of the eye makeup remover from Neutrogena. The difference? The Rimmel one is NOT greasy! I love that it is gentle on the eyes, so if you wear contact it will not irritate them. Normally one swipe removes all of the eye makeup.,, unless you are trying to remove the Scandaleyes Waterproof liner! I also love that the top is a pop top and not a screw top, so less chances of knocking it over and spilling! I will be buying this Gentle Eye Makeup remove once I use up this bottle.

What is your favorite eyeliner?
What do you use to move your eye makeup?
Have you tried any of these products?


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